Custom vs. Template Ecommerce Website Design: Pros and Cons

Ecommerce Website Development

When you hire one of the best ecommerce website design services, designers give you two common design options- custom design and template design. There are several pros and cons of these design options. So, making a decision becomes challenging.

To make it easy for you, we will discuss the difference between custom design and template design in this post.

Custom Ecommerce Website Design:


Tailored to Perfection: With custom ecommerce website design services, your website is meticulously crafted to align with your brand identity. Every element in this is designed to give the best experience to the users.

Unparalleled Flexibility: The beauty of custom design lies in its flexibility. You are free to include specific features and functionalities that are essential for your business. With this, your website will look great as well as function seamlessly, and efficiently fulfilling the needs of the customers. 

Scalability and Growth: Your website needs to pace up with the expansion of your business. Custom designs allow your website to evolve without any limitations. Whether you’re adding new product lines or integrating advanced payment gateways, a custom-designed website effortlessly accommodates your growth requirements.


Time-Consuming: Creating a custom Ecommerce website takes time. The intricate design process, development, and testing phases require patience. If you’re looking for a quick solution, a custom design might not align with your immediate launch plans.

Higher Initial Investment: Investing in ecommerce website design services tailored to your brand can be more expensive upfront compared to templates. However, the long-term benefits often compensate for the initial costs.

Template Ecommerce Website Design:


Cost-Effectiveness: Template-based ecommerce website design is a budget-friendly solution. It’s a great option if you are working with a limited budget. The best thing is that there are multiple pre-designed templates to choose from.

Quick Deployment: As templates provide a ready-made solution, you can launch your online store quickly. You can customize these templates with your brand elements, allowing you to get your business online in a shorter timeframe.


Limited Customization: Templates come with limitations regarding customization. While you can change colors and add your logo, intricate modifications might be challenging. They lack flexibility, giving a generic look to your website.

Generic User Experience: Since templates are pre-designed for a broad audience, your website might lack the unique touch that sets your brand apart. A generic user experience might not engage visitors effectively, potentially impacting your conversion rates.


Ecommerce website design services revolve around custom and template designs. The choice between them depends on your specific business needs and aspirations. Other than this, your budget and long-term goals along with the timeline matter.

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